A timeline of allegations against YouTuber Anna Campbell, whose ex-girlfriends spoke out about alleged abuse and drug use

Anna Campbell talking to camera ponytail blue sweater.

Campell has faced various accusations from friends, exes and former fans including grooming, rape, abuse and violence.
Anna Campbell/YouTube

Anna Campbell has been on YouTube since she was 14.

Campbell was mostly known for her mental health-related content.
Anna Campbell/YouTube

Meet Anna Campbell. She's 28, from Massachusetts, and has over 400,000 YouTube subscribers.

Campbell has red hair, a black and white sleeve tattoo, and a heavy Boston accent.

Campbell may look like an average YouTube vlogger, but former fans and ex-girlfriends have come forward in recent months to accuse her of harming them.

Campbell came out as a lesbian in a 2017 video, and went on to publicly showcase her relationships with women, including Natalia Taylor, Taylor Pendergraff, and Kaylee Jade, who all appeared on YouTube with her. Since 2020, Campbell has also featured her girlfriends on her OnlyFans account, where she sells adult content.

In June 2021, Natalia, Taylor, and Kaylee jointly accused Campbell of abuse. In addition to accusing Campbell of glorifying hard drugs in their relationships, Taylor said that Campbell raped her and Kaylee said Campbell physically abused her.

Some of Campbell's former fans have also accused her of "grooming" them and sending them sexual messages in private group chats. Campbell has acknowledged many of the allegations in her own videos, but denies that she raped Taylor or "groomed" anyone.

Campbell became more well-known after collaborating with Tana Mongeau in 2016.

Campbell's profile grew after she became part of Tana Mongeau's collaborative 'Trash' channel, which is where she met Natalia Taylor (pictured).

Campbell created her channel over a decade ago in 2007, but the oldest video that is still public was posted in August 2016.

Campbell started vlogging under the tagline "Anna Taught You" and is known for first-person videos where she shares anecdotes from her life and talks about subjects like psychology, mental health, and the dark web.

Campbell studied psychology in college and worked part-time as a mental health specialist in Massachusetts. One of her most popular videos is one posted in July 2017 called "The Truth About Working In a Psych Ward."

Campbell's profile skyrocketed when she announced on November 11, 2016 that she was joining fellow YouTuber Tana Mongeau's collaborative channel "Trash," which included Campbell's future girlfriend Natalia Taylor.

Due to their close relationship on camera, a lot of fans started "shipping" the pair, hoping for a romantic relationship between the two. At the time, both of them had boyfriends and Campbell had not yet come out as a lesbian.

In May 2017, Campbell came out and said she was dating Natalia.

Campbell came out as a lesbian on April 14, 2017, claiming that she and Taylor were "outed" against their will.
Anna Campbell/YouTube

In 2015, Natalia posted her first YouTube video, describing herself as "an average 19-year-old girl from Ohio" who had a modeling career. She quickly became popular, and currently has over 2.3 million YouTube subscribers.

Following Campbell and Natalia's collaboration with Mongeau, rumors surfaced that they had cheated on their respective partners with each other during a Trash channel trip to LA in 2016.

Campbell released a video on April 14, 2017 called "Not Your Typical Coming Out Video." In it, she accused fellow YouTuber Sierra Watts of "outing" her and Natalia by tweeting screenshots of a text conversation that suggested Campbell and Natalia were cheating on their boyfriends.

Soon after, Campbell and Natalia went public with their relationship and in May 2017 launched a joint YouTube channel called "Natanna."

Two months later, on July 27, Campbell posted a YouTube video called "Heartbreak" announcing that she and Natalia had split up. Natalia received a lot of backlash from fans, in part because Campbell emphasized that her grandmother was sick at the time of the break-up.

Natalia left YouTube for a year, which she later said was in order to seek treatment for her drug addiction.

Between November 2017 and August 2018, Campbell had two other public relationships.

Campbell started officially dating Taylor Pendergraff (pictured) in July 2018.
Anna and Taylor: YouTube

A few months after breaking up with Natalia, Campbell started dating YouTuber Steph Frosch, or ElloSteph. Frosch appeared in several "Trash" videos with Campbell, including "Anna and Steph Take Canada" which was uploaded on October 6, 2017. The two later broke up, and Campbell briefly reunited with Natalia at the end of 2017.

Before she and Natalia went public with their relationship, Campbell started chatting with 18-year-old Taylor Pendergraff online. Campbell was 24 at the time and Pendergraff was a senior in high school. In June 2018, Campbell and then-19 Pendergraff met for the first time at Boston Pride.

The pair announced they were officially dating in July 2018. A month later, on August 27, 2018, Natalia returned to YouTube with a video called "Change is good."

In late 2019, Pendergraff spoke out against Campbell in an Instagram Live.

In 2019, Campbell started an on-off relationship with Kaylee Jade (pictured). This would continue for the next two years.
Lexi Luna/YouTube

Kaylee Jade, a YouTuber and OnlyFans performer, told Insider that she and Campbell started dating and went to a rave together in early 2019. Jade said she was 18 when Campbell first reached out to her online and invited her to meet up.

A few months later, Campbell returned to Pendergraff to seek "closure" in Ohio, where Pendergraff lived. The two started dating again until around September 2019, when they broke up for a second time and Campbell went back to Jade.

Then, in early December 2019, Pendergraff talked about her relationship with Campbell on an Instagram Live. At one point, Jade joined Pendergraff and agreed that Campbell was a bad girlfriend. Although Pendergraff said that she still loved Campbell, she accused her of sending "subliminal messages" to Jade and threatening to end Pendergraff's online career.

Pendergraff also said that Campbell frequently lied to her and that Campbell's drug use impacted her ability to treat her bipolar disorder — a diagnosis Campbell had revealed in a YouTube video in 2018.

Pendergraff said that her worst fights with Campbell happened when they were "coming down" from drugs. Pendergraff also said that she had reached out to Jade to apologize for causing her pain. Saying that she felt sorry for the "new girl" Campbell had been flirting with online, Pendergraff also accused Campbell of trying to spread false information about her after they broke up.

In late 2020, Natalia and Pendergraff posted videos about their drug use and Campbell.

Natalia opened up about her drug addiction in a video uploaded on September 7, 2020.
Natalia Taylor/YouTube

On September 7, 2020, Natalia posted a YouTube video coming forward about her drug addiction. She said that she started experimenting with harder drugs with Campbell, but that she sought help for her addiction and split up with Campbell following a "huge, explosive incident."

Two months later, on November 4, Pendergraff posted a two-hour YouTube video called "Anna Campbell is Dangerous." In the video, Pendergraff said Campbell, who was 25 at the time, "overshared" about intimate details of her relationship with Natalia. Pendergraff showed purported screenshots of sexual text messages she said Campbell sent her when she was 18.

Pendergraff also said that Campbell sent her videos of her and Natalia using hard drugs without Natalia's knowledge and suggested Campbell was a "narcissist."

Pendergraff said Campbell introduced her to psychedelic drugs during a festival and that she ended up taking too much and was unable to walk. She said she trusted Campbell's experience with drugs and work in mental health treatment.

Pendergraff said that she has lived with mental health issues, including dissociation and bipolar disorder, which she said worsened due to her drug use with Campbell. Pendergraff also accused Campbell of "gaslighting" and "manipulating" her. Pendergraff alleged that Campbell verbally abused her.

Pendergraff accused Campbell of raping her after they broke up the second time. Pendergraff said she was too drunk to consent to sex one night with Campbell, who said she had less to drink and had sex with Pendergraff anyways because she said they had done so when inebriated during their relationship. Campbell denied that she raped Pendergraff.

Eight months later, Jade accused Campbell of physical abuse.

Jade accused Campbell of being physically violent towards her in a Twitter thread posted June 15, 2021.
Jenny O/YouTube

On a Twitter thread posted on June 15, 2021, Jade released clips and images to support her claims that she was physically and verbally abused by Campbell. Campbell later called what was shown in clips "inexcusable."

Jade shared images of bruises on her arms and legs as well as videos showing the purported aftermath of a physical attack from Campbell. Jade also made a 40-minute Instagram Live about the relationship, in which she said that on one occasion, Campbell threw her to the ground and restrained her.

She said she called the police twice at Campbell's request so that Campbell could be taken to receive mental health treatment.

Jade also said Campbell "got me addicted to drugs." She said they took 80 Xanax pills in five-day period and claimed that Campbell supplied her with more Xanax after she was released from a psych ward following a Xanax overdose.

Jade accused Campbell of deliberately trying to trigger her mental health by showing her images of car wrecks after she shared that she had a fear of cars due to family trauma. Jade also said Campbell "manipulated" her into consenting to footage of her being used on Campbell's OnlyFans account.

Campbell's ex-girlfriends released an explosive video about her on June 29, 2021.

Jade, Pendergraff, and Natalia made a joint video on June 29, 2021 called "We are Survivors."
YouTube: Natalia Taylor

Shortly after Campbell's video, Natalia, Pendergraff, and Jade appeared together in a video posted on Natalia's channel called "We are Survivors," in which they said they were abused and manipulated by Campbell.

All three of them said Campbell "glorified the use of hard drugs in our relationship and to her viewers," and said that Campbell threatened suicide to prevent them from speaking out.

In the video, Natalia said that Campbell encouraged fans to bully her while she was receiving psychiatric treatment after their break-up. Natalia also said that when she broke up with Campbell, Campbell locked herself in a room and threatened suicide, which led to Natalia calling the police and putting a hole in the door to reach her.

She claimed that Campbell used her platform to spread rumors that Pendergraff was a sex worker and an animal abuser.

Pendergraff also said Campbell "weaponized" friends and fans against her. Pendergraff said that Campbell encouraged TikToker Allie Harding, who has over 1 million followers, to say publicly that Pendergraff was lying about being raped and was "bullying" Campbell. Clips of Harding's livestream where she made these accusations against Pendergraff are included in the video.

Campbell's exes accused her of using her young fans, claiming they were her therapists and exploiting their support. Campbell acknowledged that she sent "sexual jokes" to fans as young as 12 in group chats.

The next day, Campbell's former fan Maddy, who is now 21, posted a video called "I am a survivor of Anna Campbell." She said that she was an active member in Campbell's fan group chats and claimed that since she was 16 she had experienced grooming and emotional manipulation at Campbell's hands.

Maddy said that Campbell would "love bomb" her and refer to her as her daughter, sharing issues in her life like her relationships, family issues, and drug problems. She said that when she tried to go public against Campbell, she was "gaslit."

Maddy also said that Campbell used the things she did for Maddy — such as buying her gifts and spending private time with her — as leverage to stop her from speaking up about their relationship. Maddy said that when she was 18, Campbell took her and a friend out in Boston and pressured her to drink despite knowing that she was uncomfortable and had a family history of alcoholism.

According to Maddy, Campbell sent her and her friends sexually explicit messages and photos in group chats while they were underage, gave them masturbation tips, told them about her sexual experiences, and made sexually suggestive comments toward them.

In Campbell's latest response video, she denied her ex-girlfriends' accusations and said they 'ganged up' on her.

Responding to Smith, Pendergraff, and Taylor's "We are Survivors" video, Campbell accused the trio of "ganging up" on her.
Anna Campbell/YouTube

In response to her exes' video, which Campbell described as "cult-like" and "disturbing," she posted a video on July 5 called "Dear Natalia Taylor (The Truth), in which she responded to some of the allegations.

"It's not okay for these three girls to gang up on me and make me out to be the ultimate abuser," Campbell said.

Campbell said she didn't get Natalia hooked on drugs and said that the pair bought a party house together in Ohio. She said that Natalia controlled when they used cocaine together, which she said was every 10 to 15 minutes at the height of their shared drug use.

In regards to the group chats with fans, Campbell said she made "stupid mistakes such as sending sexual messages in group chats with multiple people of a variety of ages." She said that her intention wasn't sexual, but she "portrayed [herself] as vulgar."

"Everyone knew I swore, everyone knew I was not this sweet little YouTuber," Campbell said.

Campbell sent her exes cease and desist letters.

Campbell explained why she sent Taylor, Pendergraff and Smith cease and desist letters in her latest YouTube video.
Anna Campbell/YouTube

On July 23, Natalia tweeted that she and "all the victims" of Campbell had received cease and desist letters "for trying to share our stories."

Campbell confirmed that she had sent cease and desist letters to her ex-girlfriends in a July 28 video called "A Legal Update," but she said that she wasn't trying to "silence" anyone.

"If I was looking at this from an outsiders' perspective [...] I would probably think that person was trying to silence someone too," Campbell said. "But here's the thing. I didn't f---ing rape anybody, and I'm not an f---ing pedophile."

Campbell said that she sent the cease and desist letters because she is "finally starting a legal process and this is how it starts." Describing the situation as a "witch hunt," Campbell added: "I need to take legal action for my future."

Campbell read a copy of the cease and desist on her channel and provided one to Insider. It reads: "You have undertaken an extensive online campaign against Campbell by asserting false and defamatory claims about her, including representing that she is a rapist, a pedophile, and other falsehoods."

The letter states that these accusations "constitute defamation" and have "caused extensive harm" to Campbell.

In her video, Campbell said that she has been hospitalized "multiple times" due to the impact of the allegations, adding that her "career has been destroyed over f---ing lies."

Campbell also said that the three of them have "created this campaign for their own benefit."

Natalia later responded to the video via Twitter. Addressing Campbell in her tweet, Natalia wrote: "I assure you, we ARE moving forward legally. All the victims have to travel to where the crimes were committed. It's taking some time."

On August 8, Taylor, Pendergraff, and Jade had a public Twitter fight.

Taylor and Pendergraff are no longer speaking following their public falling-out.
Natalia Taylor/Instagram

On August 7, Pendergraff wrote on Twitter that she "no longer wants to be associated with the victims of Anna Campbell" and would be "handling [her] case solo" as opposed to joint representation with Jade and Natalia. The next day, Jade liked a series of tweets questioning why Pendergraff had removed her lawsuit support GoFundMe from her social media bios and speculating whether it was a "scam."

Pendergraff later denied rumors she was "scamming" people with the GoFundMe on Twitter, sharing purported screenshots from Maddy and Natalia wherein they appear to request to be disassociated with the GoFundMe.

She later said in a Twitter thread that all funds from the GoFundMe were still going to be used for legal purposes, but noted that this might "take a while" due to the length of the legal process.

She later accused the pair of "painting [her] as a villain, pointing out that Jade's friend made a (since-deleted) YouTube video about the GoFundMe rumors.

Jade later spoke out on the situation, writing on Twitter that she has "never seen one penny" of Pendergraff's GoFundMe money.

On August 10, Pendergraff released a statement on Twitter claiming that Jade spread false information to a drama channel about her GoFundMe, including the claim that money from the campaign was "trickling into her bank account." Pendergraff refuted these allegations and said that the pair had no issues with the GoFundMe prior to their falling out.

—Taylor Lynn (@iamtaylorlynn) August 10, 2021

Since the explosive June 24 video, social-media analytics site Social Blade reports that Campbell has lost over 9,000 subscribers on her YouTube channel. On the day "We Are Survivors" was uploaded, Campbell's channel lost 2,000 subscribers.

"Trash "channel creator Tana Mongeau has since distanced herself from Campbell. On July 2, Mongeau said on Twitter: "If I was ever friends with an influencer and it comes out that they were a predator or abuser, they are no longer my friends. Period. Ghosted. Unfollowed. Blocked. Believe the victims always."

Campbell recently appeared to threaten YouTuber Trisha Paytas with legal action in the comment section of Paytas' July 29 vlog, where they revealed that they would be discussing Campbell and the allegations made against her. In a YouTube comment on the video, Campbell wrote, "keep in mind its not right to throw around terms like 'pedo' and 'rapist' before a person is found guilty."

In response, Paytas also hit out at Campbell in the August 5 episode of their podcast 'Enemies.' They said, "I'm the wrong person you want to make these slight threats to. They aren't even slight, they're pretty serious threats, implying some pretty serious things."

Regarding the allegations, Paytas added, "I'll say it right now, no one has any business having private conversations and private meetups with underage fans. She's 26. How does she have a platform? How is she not in jail with James Charles and Austin Jones? Don't blame it on mental illness, you're sick in the head."

When approached for comment, Campbell denied all accusations brought against her.

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