
How To Download Windows 10 Iso File In Mobile

USB wink drives are very useful, but non everyone has ane, and it is not e'er possible to lay your easily on a Windows recovery disk every time you want to install Windows on your PC.

Cheers to DriveDroid, you lot can install Windows from Android. It simply takes a few minutes to gear up it upwardly.


Earlier you keep with this tutorial, ensure that you have the post-obit things in place:

  • A rooted Android device (Magisk and SuperSU work well for this – always back
  • upwards your device before rooting)
  • 4.5GB or more free space on your Android device
  • The Windows ISO file


Commencement, you need to install DriveDroid or DriveDroid Paid on your device. Launch the Google Play Store app on your device, search for "DriveDroid" and install from there. It'southward of import to note that the current gratis version works best with Android 9 devices. However, it'southward even so one of the best options, despite not being updated for a while.


Once y'all have it installed, you lot tin run the USB setup sorcerer to configure the application. Hit "Setup" to begin.


Information technology volition verify that your device has not been blacklisted. Tap "Proceed," and so grant the app root access.


Next, connect your Android device to a PC using a USB cablevision.

You need to cull from a listing of USB systems for handling USB. Most devices will piece of work with the first available USB system.


Finally, open the file director on your PC and ostend whether your device is mounted as a USB drive or CD drive. This indicates that your device works well with DriveDroid. You may shut the Magician and proceed with the rest of the tutorial.


If your device doesn't show up at all, head back to the previous folio and try other USB systems until one works.

Create a Bootable Windows Image

One time you have scaled the initial setup, creating a bootable Windows ISO on your Android device should be a walk in the park.

Follow the below-listed steps and brand sure your device remains connected to your PC before standing.

  1. Download the latest Windows 10 ISO file or Windows 11 ISO file and move it to your device's internal storage or SD Card.
  2. Launch DriveDroid and hit the "+" push button at the bottom of the screen.
  3. Select "Add together image from file."
  1. Name your image and tap the magnifying glass icon to select the path of the ISO file. Once done, tap the checkmark at the top to save.
  1. Tap the newly-created entry and select 1 of the hosting options. "CD-ROM" worked for me in this case.
  1. Your Windows epitome should be mounted now. A notification will appear on your phone indicating the the image was successfully mounted.
  1. Finally, reboot your PC and boot from the Drive where your Windows ISO is mounted.

Yous may demand to enter the kick menu if your PC isn't set to boot from external devices or disks kickoff. During the boot process, press F8, F11, or Del (the push varies based on your PC) to access the boot menu. Cull the UEFI option with a name that normally starts with Linux File-CD.

That's it! Windows should boot unremarkably, and you will exist able to continue the installation process from at that place.


Frequently Asked Questions

1. Will this cause any information loss on my Android device?

Information technology shouldn't. As long equally you perform the root process correctly and take ample space on your device, you shouldn't lose any files, apps, or settings. Withal, always dorsum upwardly your device first. If y'all're worried, consider using an former Android device instead if at that place is 1 available.

2. Volition DriveDroid let me kicking other operating systems?

Aye. It's actually designed for letting you boot Linux systems directly from your Android device so that yous don't have to install them on your PC. For example, if you wanted to give Linux a test drive before creating a dual-boot organization on your PC, utilise DriveDroid to install a Linux distro on your Android device and kicking directly into information technology by connecting your Android device to your PC via USB.

If you're not certain which Linux distros to try, check out some of the best Linux distros for Windows users.

three. Can I delete the Windows ISO in one case I'm finished?

Absolutely! Once Windows is successfully installed on your PC, y'all no longer need the Windows ISO on your Android device. Experience free to delete it to save space.

4. Is there a big difference between DriveDroid and DriveDroid Paid?

While I personally had no issues with the free version of DriveDroid on Android 12, some users have reported having ameliorate success on Android 11 devices using the paid version.

v. Will DriveDroid let me run Windows from Android?

While you can run Linux systems, you tin't run Windows fully from Android using DriveDroid. This is merely to start the installation procedure. This works the same as creating a recovery or installation media on a DVD or USB drive.

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