
The Legend Of Kaspar Hauser Amazon

La leggenda di Kaspar Hauser (2012) Poster

nine /10

A magical experience.

I constitute this picture after watching a clip taken from it, apart from Vicent Gallo (kind of a fetish actor for me), i didn't knew anything from it and so it was a very surprising and pleasant feel for me.

This is not the usual mainstream movie nor even your usual high-sounding stuff. To me it was more of a whimsical motion-picture show where you need to fill the empty spaces with your own personal experiences.

Electronic music, Vitalic OST is almost perfect (likewise repetitive just that it's needed to stress the bulletin), simply in that location'southward always a fight betwixt Analogic/Real vs Digital/Surreal going on.

The movie is made of archetypes merely we have the power to decide which is what.

The camera work is dated, reminding me of mail service Ii War Italian movies, that when dissimilarity with the upwards to date musical references made my brain twitch.

Lamentable for the digressive review merely this is a perfect pic for me because lingers for always.

Essential viewing in my opinion.

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ix /10

very unusual await

I liked this movie then much! Here, in St.Petersburg, Russia, it was shown on wide screen in movie theatre on main street of the city and in that location was 10 people in big hall, merely no ane left and in the end nosotros all were applauding.

For me base of the structure of this flick is witty bound between 19 century strange story of a swain Kaspar Hauser and nowadays realities, digital music in detail. Manager Davide Manuli tried to explain some details of Hauser's biography and his personality if information technology would happened in our modern times. I'm highly enjoyed the multiple compares and allusions betwixt acrid DJ (played past adult female, which I realised at once) and prophet/messiah/heir/epileptic etc. Also this funny experience busy with awesome soundtrack and artful blackness'n'white cinematography.

I wouldn't recommend information technology to usual pop-corn watcher, but for Alejandro Jodorowsky'south fans or other curious indie picture palace watchers it's highly recommended.

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recommended rather for Vitalic fans

I wouldn't recommend this blackness and white movie to anyone who doesn't like electro music. Moreover, well made energetic soundtrack from DJ Vitalic is in my opinion the strongest role of The Legend of Kaspar Hauser.

There isn't much of a plot to speak just it's not a disadvantage. The movie itself is surreal, often funny, sometimes tedious (as some sequences are a piffling bit too long).

I found Manuli's vision fresh just it certainly won't reach all of the viewers.

half dozen-7 out of 10

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8 /10

A baroque moving picture that yous might enjoy

Alert: Spoilers

La leggenda di Kaspar Hauser is surreal picture near newcomer to an unspecified island in Italy. It is based on the Kaspar Hauser, a real person who appeared in early 19th century in a small Bavarian city.

The event was thoroughly documented, that is why we know that much about Kaspar as we exercise. There is also a motion picture of the similar name by Herzog, that is produced in a more documentarian style.

Ultimately, this moving picture is about 2d coming of Christ, with all packed up in a brilliant setup that will make you remember.

Kaspar in this picture is actually portrayed by adult female, which is not at all obvious at whatsoever indicate in the movie. The Kaspar represents a alloy of a human being and a adult female in one body, an universal being, who incidentally likes to heed to Vitalic music (Rave).

Some other keen flick in this geist is "The Limits Of Control."

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4 /10

whatever the intention of this version, it suffers from existence BORING

Half decent soundtrack with a couple of beautiful tracks hiding amidst several less exciting numbers. To exist honest though, the music probably benefited from TLOKH being so outrageously tedious. Every time a melody kicked in information technology was a welcome relief.

It took every ounce of diet pepsi and will power to stay awake and nowadays.

At that place'south nothing entertaining or imaginative here in the script and acting to go on y'all engaged. Scenes are too long and sparse and repetitive dialogue serves to be little more than tiresome and frustrating. This Kasper probably ought to take been put down immediately for everyone's good. The film would accept been far more entertaining and surreal had information technology been 10 minutes long.

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x /10

Immature Kasper Hauser arrives to an unknown island with a very limited population. His 'way to exist' heavily impacts every grapheme in the story differently.

I totally loved this pic. Information technology is surreal, entertaining and leaves the viewer with a couple things to call back almost. It is a great reflection of our era. La Leggenda di Kasper Hauser will allow you to find its meaning for yourself. Silvia Calderoni's acting is completely out of this globe; it was even scary at some points. She was able to create a graphic symbol which will completely blow your mind. I assure you that you will be left wishing for Kasper Hauser to be existent (Or is he already?) This pic has probably replaced The Tree of Life as my all-fourth dimension favourite motion-picture show. The music in is this film is also great! For every music-enthusiast out in that location: Y'all will feel very empathetic with the so-called Kasper Hauser. Please watch this movie with something in heed: it is nothing like yous take watched before.

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1 /x


I similar non-sense movies, maybe something similar Terry Gilliam does. I came from viewing Parasite (great picture show, grotesque and deep), and after fifteen minutes of this horrible trash (that'due south non non-sense, that'due south empty-sense), i thought what'south wrong with italian director? Why this terrible trash? Have soundtrack (great tracks from Vitalic), have the prologue scene (great... and that's the only simply scene!!!) and throw all the rest.

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ii /ten

a mule could take done better

The idea behind the film is interesting, an innocent man unable fifty-fifty to speak is founded on a shore of a mysterious isle and and then educated to life, but the upshot is terribly boring and without any ideas both visually and in meaning. the visual setting of the film is clearly derivative of Ciprì and Maresco, particularly Paviglianiti, but the vulgar here is only hinted at by the figure of the dwarf and the donkey commuter, and remains very little to counteract the characters that should exist elevated as the Sheriff and the Countess with the rest. Terrible fifty-fifty from the technical betoken of view, with dialogues sometimes incomprehensible due to the bad sound. I save merely the music.

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